Minsk, Belarus.

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Attractions in Minsk

There is a lot to see in Minsk. More information will be added to this section later, until then a short presentation on some of the attractions of Minsk.

National Librarry of Belarus. April 2007
National Library of Belarus which officially opened on the 16:th of june 2006.

The hooly spirit cathedral in central Minsk. December 2005
The hooly spirit cathedral.

St. Maria Magdalene church. Minsk
St. Maria Magdalene church. Minsk.

Island of tears
Island of tears, a monument dedicated to all the soldiers that never returned home.

Sankt Simeon and Helena church, Red chatolic church in the center of Minsk.
Sankt Simeon and Helena church, Red chatolic church in the center of Minsk.

Peter and Pauls church on the Nemiga street
Peter and Pauls church on the Nemiga street, Minsk.

Victory square.

Jakub Kolas, vitrysk författare, 1882-1956.
Jakub Kolas, is one of the most know writters of Belarus.

View of central Minsk Minsk.

Copyright © 2006-2014, D.Alin

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